Application for a Temporary Limited Liquor Licence


Please note:

  • Carefully check and confirm all the details in the form before completing lodgement and payment. Application fees are non-refundable. Once a licence is granted changes are generally not possible.
  • Please use the full legal name of the company, incorporated association, co-operative, Council or natural person applying, not the trading or business name.
  • Individuals, organisations or existing licensees may apply for temporary licence to cover a maximum of six one-off events over a 12-month period.
  • A maximum of three event dates will be accepted per application, no more than nine months in advance.
  • Where an application is made for a series of events over a limited season, the season must not extend longer than six months.
  • Applicants must have the right to occupy the premises during the event or season nominated.
  • The Commission requires a liquor licence entity to be in the name of a legal company, body corporate, club, individual person or partnership and not in the name of a registered business.
  • Applications that do not meet these requirements may not be considered.

The Commission may need a minimum of 42 days to process the application. You may also be required to display a public notice at the venue for 28 days and Victoria Police and the local council may review your application.

You will be required to satisfy the VCGLR requirement to meet certain conditions if you seek to trade past 1am in the following municipalities: City of Yarra, City of Port Phillip, City of Melbourne or Stonnington. For further information see Ministerial Directions and Guidelines.

Existing Application
Do you currently have an application for a permanent liquor licence (new/variation/transfer) with the VCGLR?

An application for a temporary limited licence may not be granted where the applicant has already applied, or is in the process of applying, for a permanent licence and the intended supply of liquor is the same for both applications.

First Event Date
Venue Permission
Is the event on public land?

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation