Application for a Temporary Limited Liquor Licence


Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing of temporary limited licence applications.

  • Please read the Temporary limited licence fact sheet (PDF, 38 KB) before beginning your application. If you are supplying liquor free of charge, with no money promised or indirectly paid, you may not need a licence.
  • If you are applying as a charity, to be eligible for the charity concessions you must be registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Your ABN number must have an "active" charity status when we look it up at ABN Lookup.
  • If your event may be attended by 5,000 or more people, you need to complete an Application for a major event licence form.
  • If you are applying for an outdoor event, include a plan of your site with the proposed licensed area outlined in red. Please see the Plans for temporary limited licences fact sheet (PDF, 125 KB) for an example.
  • Please have ready all the information you need before starting the application process. You will not be able to save your progress.
  • Payment for online applications is by credit card only (Visa, Mastercard).
  • Applications must only be for events within the next 9 months.
  • Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is a compulsory aspect of all licences to ensure a safe, enjoyable environment in the licensed premises.
  • All information submitted via this portal is encrypted and secure.
  • Liquor Control Victoria is committed to responsible and fair handling of personal information consistent with the "Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014" and its obligations under the "Liquor Control Reform Act 1998".
  • Your application for a temporary limited licence may not be granted where you have already applied, or are applying, for a permanent licence and the intended supply of liquor is the same for both applications.

Apply now or return to the VCGLR website

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation